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Gardening in Monsoon
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! We all need to know how to do the gardening in monsoon in the right way, especially when it is at our doorstep. The rainy season in India predictably starts from June until September. To start with, it brings much-needed relief from the scorching summer sun...
Gardening in Poor Soils: Challenges and Solutions
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! For people like us, gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling activity. We love to connect with nature, cultivate beautiful gardens and landscapes, and grow our own food. However, one of the biggest challenges we often face is poor soil quality. Gardening in poor soils presents several...
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! Gardeners in India are blessed with a whole range of natural fertilizers that are easily and cheaply available. Most of the urban gardeners are always struggling to find the right ones, be it organic or inorganic (chemical-based). Also see: Understanding Plant Fertilizer And Its Types Best fertilizers available for...
Good potting soil
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! The first issue most gardeners in India face, especially the ones living in cities or multistoried buildings is where to get good potting soil. Should we use normal soil from the field or roadside? Is it good enough? Should I buy potting soil from nursery, which is not...

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