
Red Hibiscus Plants
Red Hibiscus Plants are one of the most common garden plants. In India, we see it in almost every garden growing on the soil or in pots. Hibiscus is an easy to grow plant but the plant needs a few things which you cannot miss. Also, Red Hibiscus Plants are...
Understanding Organic Plant Fertilizer And Its Types
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! Before we use anything, we should know what it is and how it works. This is not only true for any Organic Plant Fertilizer but for anything else in life. A little understanding goes a long way. so  today we will discuss Understanding Organic Plant Fertilizer...
How I take care of my Calliandra Powder Puff Plant
Namaskar Desi Gardeners. The first time I saw the calliandra, it was 'love at first sight'! I was on the way to my office and was waiting for a taxi near the local nursery. I spotted the beautiful red puff balls from the other side of the road. It...
Namaskar Desi Gardeners! Gardeners in India are blessed with a whole range of natural fertilizers that are easily and cheaply available. Most of the urban gardeners are always struggling to find the right ones, be it organic or inorganic (chemical-based). Also see: Understanding Plant Fertilizer And Its Types Best fertilizers available for...

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